Episode 4

February 23, 2022


A mortician and ILI engineer walk into a bar....

A mortician and ILI engineer walk into a bar....
Pipeline Things
A mortician and ILI engineer walk into a bar....

Feb 23 2022 | 00:35:26


Show Notes

MFL, PPIM, and a mortician? Learn about all these topics on the latest episode of Pipeline Things with Thing 20 and 21. Trust us, it’s an episode you’ll be dying to listen to.


·  PPIM Recap

·  Overcoming Technical Limitations and Critical Complex Corrosion

·  Technology premise, how does it work?

·  What are the limitations of MFL and things to be aware of?

·  How do operators discover these limitations?

·  What can operators do about these limitations?

Resources from the episode:

Download here!


Rhett Dotson

Christopher De Leon

ADV Integrity

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Pipeline Things is presented by ADV Integrity and produced by ADV Marketing.

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