Episode 13

June 29, 2022


What if?

What if?
Pipeline Things
What if?

Jun 29 2022 | 00:41:18


Show Notes

Today Thing 20 and 21 get into the what ifs of EMAT. No, not What If the Marvel show. But Thing 21 does present some what ifs for Star Wars and Marvel. Meanwhile, we get this amazing quote from Thing 20 “Anything worth winning is worth cheating for.” You’ll have to take a listen to know what he was referring to. Also be sure to stay to the end for some bloopers. Enjoy the episode!



- Types of features, good calls, that operators want to see in EMAT tool calling in the long seam

- Types of good calls in the pipe body from EMAT

- What if you had 120 long seam features, all with FPR’s less than 1.1?

- What if you don’t have a sub part J hydrotest?


Christopher & Rhett want to answer your questions on an upcoming episode!



Rhett Dotson

Christopher De Leon

ADV Integrity


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Pipeline Things is presented by ADV Integrity and produced by ADV Marketing.

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Episode Transcript

00;00;00;01 - 00;00;21;08 Rhett Dotson Hello. Welcome to today's episode of Pipeline Things. We continue the EMAT trend that we've been on taking a look at "what if" scenarios when you get your EMAT report. Christopher and I bat a couple of things back and forth. What if you have 120 long seam features? What if you ran it in seamless conditions with coal tar coating and you got 100 pipe body features? 00;00;21;08 - 00;00;22;12 Rhett Dotson How do you prioritize those? 00;00;22;12 - 00;00;24;04 Christopher De Leon Wait. What's the objective of this issue again? 00;00;24;13 - 00;00;34;20 Rhett Dotson We hit on, what is your objective with EMAT? Objective. Objective. Objective. I hope you enjoy it. Leave us your feedback. Thank you very much. 00;00;35;02 - 00;00;46;11 00;00;46;29 - 00;01;04;11 Rhett Dotson All right. Hello, welcome to Today. You did that. You did that quite well. For those of you who did not who do not watch on the YouTube, we're in a little bit of a different situation today. I was shooting from the back of my truck in the lab and I didn't know if Chris was actually going to make that jump onto the back of the tailgate. 00;01;05;03 - 00;01;05;25 Rhett Dotson That was impressive. 00;01;06;01 - 00;01;09;27 Christopher De Leon I challenged him to a box jump on the tailgate and he won't do it. He's afraid he's gonna hit his face. 00;01;09;28 - 00;01;26;28 Rhett Dotson No I'd face plant into it. I can't jump that well. All right. Hey, welcome to today's episode of Pipeline Things. I am your host. Thing 20. This is my co-host Thing 21. Not lesser clearly in his vertical leap ability capabilities on vertical leap capabilities, but- 00;01;26;28 - 00;01;28;23 Christopher De Leon It's all in the quads in the calves baby. 00;01;28;28 - 00;01;42;23 Rhett Dotson And his providence on the show we're super excited to be with you guys as we pick it up today always looking for something kind of fun to do so today again shooting in a little bit of a different setting. Do you know what? I feel like trucks kind of fit you know the whole the whole gene of pipelines anyway. 00;01;42;28 - 00;01;44;10 Rhett Dotson So you feel like. 00;01;44;10 - 00;01;45;13 Christopher De Leon Because we thought of gas? 00;01;45;25 - 00;01;47;15 Rhett Dotson Maybe so supporting the industry, baby. 00;01;47;15 - 00;01;48;15 Christopher De Leon 11 miles a gallon, baby. 00;01;48;16 - 00;02;04;17 Rhett Dotson Yeah, it's true. And there's so many things. It's a lot. It's closer to 13 for my truck, just for the record. But I don't pass many gas stations. You know why we're doing this? We really should point out again, for those of you who are watching us on the YouTube, you might notice that we are in matching shirts this time thing. 00;02;04;17 - 00;02;26;26 Rhett Dotson 23, 21. If you also notice, these are the same shirts that we wore when we did 5K at AGA. We're not going to talk about the results of that five K or how it went. It was somewhere between, you know, good, great. Good and great watching that amazing marathon runner and then Michael Scott in the 5K that he did in The Office, somewhere between the two of those. 00;02;26;26 - 00;02;32;10 Rhett Dotson But it was a lot of fun to love pictures yeah. Love being out there supporting AGA and thank you guys so much. 00;02;32;24 - 00;02;39;02 Christopher De Leon And we know we always have to say this and ADV Marketing for always making our swag on point. 00;02;39;03 - 00;02;53;05 Rhett Dotson Dude, ADV marketing does make our swag on point. We have to shout out to them, especially because Miss Producer is really angry at us today because we were late. We were 30 minutes actually 37 minutes late for the show, she reminded me. Yeah, she, she thinks she's flashing 40 at us right now. 00;02;53;08 - 00;02;55;10 Christopher De Leon Can you imagine, do what if. 00;02;56;06 - 00;02;56;18 Rhett Dotson We were on time? 00;02;56;18 - 00;03;02;09 Christopher De Leon A What if that's another what if what if we didn't have ADV Marketing? Do you think we would have this show? 00;03;02;10 - 00;03;04;10 Rhett Dotson Oh, my gosh, if we had to do this? 00;03;04;10 - 00;03;06;18 Christopher De Leon Yeah, I don't know if we would. I don't know if we would have it. 00;03;06;19 - 00;03;11;05 Rhett Dotson Could you imagine if we actually had to if we had to set up and do the mics. 00;03;11;12 - 00;03;12;02 Christopher De Leon Yea. 00;03;12;02 - 00;03;17;07 Rhett Dotson You and I would probably be using like some Bush League Mikers mics on our computers. 00;03;18;12 - 00;03;25;03 Christopher De Leon We like the whole laptop. A laptop camera. Yeah. We'd still be in our office, no doubt. That really cute picture of us on that. 00;03;25;04 - 00;03;31;29 Rhett Dotson People would still be complaining about the audio and then we would trying to be. Could you imagine just trying to mix it and a assemble the various segments? 00;03;31;29 - 00;03;35;18 Christopher De Leon How many typos do you think would be in your LinkedIn post of like trying to trying to promote? 00;03;35;22 - 00;03;39;14 Rhett Dotson We wouldn't have actually even got it on the Spotify by now. They'd be like, Sorry, you have to do this. 00;03;39;27 - 00;03;51;15 Christopher De Leon Or like fine tuning the LinkedIn algorithm. So people actually saw our posts, no doubt. Thank God for ADV Marketing you guys. You guys do great or the website, we're all that's off Spotify. They make it happen. 00;03;51;15 - 00;03;54;23 Rhett Dotson She has she does a really good job. She's smiling now. I think that means we're in her good graces. 00;03;55;04 - 00;03;58;23 Christopher De Leon Do they do air fives in that show? You like the office? 00;03;58;23 - 00;04;03;02 Rhett Dotson No, I just remember Demolition Man, Demolition Man, where they do like she. 00;04;03;05 - 00;04;04;20 Christopher De Leon Good job, ladies. We love you. 00;04;05;00 - 00;04;07;06 Rhett Dotson Yeah. So, OK. All right. They're happy. I mean, they're. 00;04;07;06 - 00;04;07;15 Christopher De Leon Happy. 00;04;07;20 - 00;04;30;03 Rhett Dotson On the show, you know, the whole what if thing. That's actually it's actually good. We'll play some what if games later today. So let's pick up Chris. OK we went yeah it's actually really exciting. We've been on a little bit of a kick here for imagine. Yep. And no way in the office today I kind of question like have we done too much on him at you and I shoot and back and forth and do we want to do we want to go with another crack related episode. 00;04;30;14 - 00;04;31;28 Christopher De Leon Or image specific episode? 00;04;32;10 - 00;04;53;21 Rhett Dotson Yeah, even really impact specific, you know, but I think I think that the attention warranted for EMAT or given to imagine our industry maybe the confusion around EMAT honestly warrants even another episode. I think the appetite is there. I think the questions are there. So I definitely think it's a good place for us to go but before we do, I want to take just a step back. 00;04;53;24 - 00;05;10;26 Rhett Dotson And again, I want to encourage the audience. I'm not going to go through all of the episodes that we've been through, but this whole segment really kind of started back with Sean Moran going through that, and then you introduced EMAT, and now then we talked about after that, the last episode was talking about, Hey, catch and release. What happens after you get the pig. 00;05;11;00 - 00;05;15;17 Christopher De Leon Catch the pig and then you release the hounds to go dig the stuff you want to dig? 00;05;15;18 - 00;05;23;14 Rhett Dotson Yes. And now we're on like episode four, right? But I think we're doing episode four in chronological order, not like the Star Wars going back, we're going backwards. 00;05;23;14 - 00;05;24;26 Christopher De Leon And then you learned. 00;05;25;04 - 00;05;28;28 Rhett Dotson Yeah, Darth Maul is not going to show up with two swords and start slicing people up in the summer. 00;05;29;03 - 00;05;32;11 Christopher De Leon That's when we still liked Anakin before he decided he wanted to slaughter babies, right? 00;05;32;23 - 00;05;39;00 Rhett Dotson Was he? Yes, but that was yeah, it was he he wasn't even in episode one, which was the fourth one, chronologically speaking. Yeah. Yeah. 00;05;39;19 - 00;05;39;28 Christopher De Leon Cool cool. 00;05;40;10 - 00;05;40;26 Rhett Dotson Today. 00;05;41;00 - 00;05;43;09 Christopher De Leon Do things in sequence. We like sequence, right? 00;05;43;09 - 00;05;57;28 Rhett Dotson He thinks in sequence we should do that, randomly release the episodes out of order. Just confusing, confusing the daylights out of people. And hopefully we have some Star Wars fans out there. Hey, if you're a Star Wars fan out there, leave it in the comments. Let us know. 00;05;58;03 - 00;06;17;13 Christopher De Leon Yeah. You know, what would be you know, what is what if now that Disney owns Marvel and Star Wars, what if, like, Thor made an appearance in the intergalactic battle between. No, but can you can you imagine like a Jedi versus no? 00;06;17;27 - 00;06;22;15 Rhett Dotson Yes. You know, I've heard that the lights that the sounds that the guns make. 00;06;22;15 - 00;06;23;03 Christopher De Leon Pew pew. 00;06;23;13 - 00;06;35;27 Rhett Dotson The that the star stormtrooper shoot is actually very similar to some of the noises from the Marvel movies. I think it's just coincidence. Yeah. I don't see it. I don't see a it would work, you know. Yeah. 00;06;35;28 - 00;06;38;03 Christopher De Leon I don't see how the Mandalorian would fit in The Avengers. 00;06;38;10 - 00;06;39;03 Rhett Dotson No, thank you. 00;06;39;11 - 00;06;42;27 Christopher De Leon You know that even though he does have that black, like, lightsaber sword. 00;06;42;27 - 00;07;04;12 Rhett Dotson Thing, that thing was cool. But space magic with that. Now we let's just let's just leave it. But anyway, let's pick up today, right? So today where I want to go, Christopher, is we have given we have given our audience a lot of what to do with imagine both what they should do before the inspection. Yeah. Are they can get help from other operators and then really what they can do once they get once they catch the pig. 00;07;04;12 - 00;07;09;10 Rhett Dotson Right. But we kind of talked about a narrow window of things that you need to be prepared for once you catch the big. 00;07;09;10 - 00;07;15;18 Christopher De Leon Yeah, we talked a lot about preparing not like like what if scenarios dioxane what if. 00;07;15;18 - 00;07;33;20 Rhett Dotson Yeah I know it's like you're trying to drive that point home because you're not happy with me doing it. I'm going to I'm going to get they're going to get their promise because what we want to talk about today is our experiences and, you know, some of the things that can happen with operators, that's a good place to go right so before we do that, though, I want to talk about the different types of features that you can find in EMAT in general. 00;07;33;26 - 00;07;51;24 Rhett Dotson Right? So I'm going to ask you to group them into really kind of two types, let's say pipe body and long scene, because for the most part, I think that's how it generally falls. Yeah. So what are some examples of types of features that operators good calls things that they want to see? And I'm actually calling in the long C. 00;07;51;26 - 00;07;54;12 Christopher De Leon OK, but we want to have those reported. 00;07;54;20 - 00;08;01;07 Rhett Dotson Put cracks one, get us another one or do you just run out of gas there like OK, crack and. 00;08;01;18 - 00;08;02;11 Christopher De Leon See in the long run. 00;08;02;11 - 00;08;07;00 Rhett Dotson I mean I see see in the long yeah yeah. Not super common but it does happen yeah. 00;08;07;07 - 00;08;10;26 Christopher De Leon I mean if you have a RW and there's a nice trim or maybe not, you can find some. 00;08;11;07 - 00;08;18;28 Rhett Dotson Sparks are very specific to a vintage of lot of pipe, you know, low frequency TRW and flash weld Yeah. Prior to 1960s. 00;08;18;28 - 00;08;32;14 Christopher De Leon And there's a clear focus on that right. I mean even if we look at some of the latest changes in the gas regulation, I know the liquid regulation isn't that specific. We find a lot more of that prescriptive nature in the gas side. Now there is a highlight specifically right in sub pado where it's called TRW. 00;08;32;20 - 00;08;34;16 Rhett Dotson Let me ask Dylan, what about like a fusion. 00;08;35;07 - 00;08;35;22 Christopher De Leon Defense. 00;08;36;18 - 00;08;39;22 Rhett Dotson Depends on whether you want it identified or whether it should be called. 00;08;40;05 - 00;08;56;15 Christopher De Leon Um, I think that you want it called absolutely. And you want to have an appreciation for what's the likelihood that it is like a fusion and not incorrectly identified as like a fusion when it comes. 00;08;56;15 - 00;09;14;06 Rhett Dotson Again, I want to phrase the question, right? So I'm asking you very clearly. Yeah. Crack like features that should be identified from anybody. Yeah, right. And I agree with you put cracks like a fusion STC in the long seam. Yep. All things that an operator should expect to find as it pertains to the long thing. What about select? 00;09;14;06 - 00;09;16;03 Rhett Dotson You've seen what corrosion it's cracked. 00;09;16;03 - 00;09;16;16 Christopher De Leon Like. 00;09;17;07 - 00;09;17;28 Rhett Dotson Can be for sure. 00;09;17;29 - 00;09;31;03 Christopher De Leon It can be. And then it's the stress can't it? The, the in homogeneity of it or the discontinuity in the material can create just concentration. And if there's the right stresses in place or fatigue, then that can lead to cracking. So you could have select more corrosion and cracking yep. 00;09;31;17 - 00;09;46;19 Rhett Dotson So now let's talk about in the long seam things that may be called, but you really don't want calls. I'm thinking more like things that are improperly identified. So what's typically the most common thing in the long scene that's improperly identified? 00;09;48;17 - 00;09;54;09 Christopher De Leon I would say each of I'll say it this way, trim artifacts. 00;09;54;24 - 00;09;55;16 Rhett Dotson That's good way to put it. 00;09;55;20 - 00;10;13;12 Christopher De Leon Yeah. So I say artifacts because I heard that word a lot working at a previous employer where it's an artifact of. And so basically it's just a consequence of the way that the signal was influenced by something that is G has a geometric presence in the pipeline. So think of like let's see if I can get you to see what I'm saying. 00;10;13;25 - 00;10;44;02 Christopher De Leon Right? So if you have R W that's trimmed, you would imagine in an ideal scenario you have a smooth I.E.D. and a smooth o.D. Right? So that ultrasonic waves can propagate relatively uniformly through a homogeneous, well, wall thickness. If you have, say, flash weld or smith it's untrimmed. So you have these very clear, sharp edges. And so if you have now a sharp edge on either side and you have this ultrasonic wave propagating you could see how maybe one of the sharp edges could create a reflection. 00;10;44;07 - 00;10;52;08 Christopher De Leon And so that could end up in an artifact in the data that is not concerning. And so that could even begin to question if you even want that stuff reported. 00;10;52;19 - 00;11;12;07 Rhett Dotson So, you know, so again, so that's a good example of something that can be reported or maybe mistakenly reported as a crack like that. We've seen a lot. Yeah, right. That's a good example. You used A.O. Smith specifically. Yep. I think it's interesting because A.O. Smith, I mean, is kind of like a little brother to low frequency. RW Right. 00;11;12;07 - 00;11;30;18 Rhett Dotson But that problem also exists on the low frequency RW side as well, right? So depending on how well usually the internal trim because the external trim they're able to see, depending on how well the internal trim was was done, can really dictate whether or not you end up with a feature identified when maybe you didn't really want it identified. 00;11;30;22 - 00;11;42;10 Rhett Dotson Yeah. So that handles. All right. So we took a look at the long C, let's flip and look at the pipe body. Yeah. What types of things do you want Emet to call as positive calls in your pipe body proper? 00;11;42;10 - 00;11;42;29 Christopher De Leon They identified. 00;11;43;04 - 00;11;44;09 Rhett Dotson Properly identified, maybe. 00;11;45;28 - 00;11;49;10 Christopher De Leon Cracking the. 00;11;49;24 - 00;11;54;10 Rhett Dotson Cracking what types of cracking, my friend? 00;11;56;01 - 00;12;14;27 Christopher De Leon Well, there's different kinds of cracking and I think I kind of did that on purpose. One of the discussions that we had at one of the previous reports was it's setting the goals for the inspection. Yes. And if you set the goals through the inspection and you kind of have an appreciation for what could be in your pipeline, then you kind of have an expectation of of what you may find reported. 00;12;14;27 - 00;12;35;25 Christopher De Leon Right? So there is a difference between potential cracking on geometric deformations. Like, like a dent or cracking that has a actually orientate actual orientation or circle orientation. Is that due to fatigue? Is that due to corrosion like SCC? There's different kinds of cracking. 00;12;35;27 - 00;13;02;21 Rhett Dotson But I'd say the most common type, you know, is really SCC. I mean, when when operators are looking in the pipe body a positive call for them in almost all cases is really excessive. But we have seen several operators and a lot of cases where it's picked up light gouging scratching on the outside surface of the pipe. And that's worth noting that that can absolutely happen where you have mechanical damage and I'm going to say mechanical damage absent denting, which does happen. 00;13;02;21 - 00;13;04;28 Rhett Dotson And of course, certainly that's a good example. 00;13;04;28 - 00;13;32;12 Christopher De Leon I think it's important to highlight though, right, that I think SCC type calls are have a higher reliability, right. That that investigation protocols well understood data cooperates with with properly detecting and identifying and sizing that mechanism. Whereas if you're going to deal with more of the interacting threats, right. Like cracking in a in a in a defamation in this case let's call it gouging that's more specialized. 00;13;32;12 - 00;13;41;05 Christopher De Leon Yeah, right. And it's actually quite difficult to establish a performance specification broadly. And you really need to look at those as a one off basis, at least our experience as. 00;13;42;20 - 00;14;01;16 Rhett Dotson I'm thinking about one where again, it looked like, you know, I mean, again, you get you get a tooth from an excavator to scrape along a pipeline, remove a pretty substantial amount of material without losing that, leaving you large defamation. Yeah. So now what are some types of things that are often called in the pipe body that is not what we're looking for. 00;14;01;19 - 00;14;02;00 Rhett Dotson Right. 00;14;02;00 - 00;14;03;05 Christopher De Leon Or excited corrosion. 00;14;03;16 - 00;14;17;17 Rhett Dotson That's the favorite ones. Yeah. Well, corrosion, can you. All right. The audience out there, maybe it's like me. You know what I'm going to ask you you're going to get angry. Are you getting angry? Asking, Come on, Chris, will you please explain what's teapot corrosion is? Because I hear that use a whole lot like that was default corrosion. 00;14;17;17 - 00;14;17;24 Rhett Dotson What? 00;14;18;29 - 00;14;21;10 Christopher De Leon I'm not going to overcomplicate this. I'm going to keep it simple. 00;14;21;15 - 00;14;21;29 Rhett Dotson Keep simple. 00;14;21;29 - 00;14;46;17 Christopher De Leon Baby. Imagine a morphology of corrosion that is deep and very pronounced. And so when you think of a corrosion pit, don't think of this gradual loss of this gradual change of metal loss like something smooth, think of very, very rigid. So if you're looking at the profile like a cross section of pipe, your corrosion would fall off and then have some general corrosion and then fall off again. 00;14;46;17 - 00;15;09;00 Christopher De Leon General corrosion fall off again. And what you're trying to accomplish is remember, if you have this this ultrasonic wave coming through the pipe, through the cross-section, is there something sharp enough that can create a reflection? Yeah. And that's basically where you end up with a false positive or if you have a nice, gradual, smooth metal loss profile or relatively smooth, that wave will kind of, you know, make it through that metal loss. 00;15;09;00 - 00;15;16;02 Christopher De Leon And the analyst can pick that up. Yeah. So that's what they mean by steep sided corrosion where one of the parts of the profile, the corrosion is steep. 00;15;16;06 - 00;15;16;13 Rhett Dotson Yeah. 00;15;17;08 - 00;15;18;12 Christopher De Leon The explanation was that. 00;15;18;18 - 00;15;32;27 Rhett Dotson It was good. I mean, the physical explanation was good. I think the challenges. Yeah, that word gets thrown out a lot. And I don't, you know, like you think about something like slick to see what corrosion. There's actually a metric that says it's like the sea wall that the gouge depth versus the width is greater than a certain value. 00;15;32;27 - 00;15;45;05 Rhett Dotson It's classified. I've never seen a physical classification for steep fault corrosion that says, hey, maybe if you're your length, the depth profile exceeds this steep wall, you know, that doesn't exist out there. So be an interesting thing. 00;15;45;05 - 00;15;47;15 Christopher De Leon It ends up just being a result of the circumstance, right? 00;15;47;19 - 00;15;58;13 Rhett Dotson So it's very circumstantial lot of this is subjective. There is not an objective measure of seaport corrosion. Yeah. All right. So what's an example of another one? Yeah, my favorite one about what? About limitations? 00;16;00;16 - 00;16;04;07 Rhett Dotson I do know early on, IMET had a lot of challenges, as I say, definitely gotten better about it. 00;16;04;14 - 00;16;20;27 Christopher De Leon And I'll just say this. I mean, I feel like this episode has a lot of like scenarios that we've seen, right? Some spin off our experience of it. I mean, we've seen a lot of the amount inspections and a lot of IMET results. I would just highlight I would use this opportunity to highlight that's where that complementary technology of MSL comes into play. 00;16;21;05 - 00;16;41;02 Christopher De Leon Yeah, right. So Mflb can do a good job of saying, Hey, you have a mid-water manufacturing feature here, and then you can integrate that with whatever the signal data is on IMAT and then make an educated decision. And then you can look at driving force, right? Because we always try to think of it that way, right? Where we say we have to understand the properties to understand how a feature will behave in that material. 00;16;41;11 - 00;16;58;29 Christopher De Leon Then you have some discontinuity or some type of threat, whether it's crack or blunt or smooth or sharp, and then you have a driving force right? So stress. And so if you have a lamination, depending on how you operate, it can be perfectly fine, especially if you've Hydra tested it 1.25 times MLP. If there's a lot of fatigue, then maybe you need to think about that. 00;17;00;13 - 00;17;06;09 Christopher De Leon All right. Or middle loss. What if you pressurize the lamination? Yeah, let's get into that in different days. 00;17;06;25 - 00;17;22;05 Rhett Dotson So yeah, that's that's different episode. Yeah. No, that's really an interesting episode. So I get that question asked so much, but now so we're going to get into the meat of it. So now, you know, audience time with us, who's who so who gets to play the what if scenarios? How are we going to do this? Let's go back and forth. 00;17;22;15 - 00;17;27;14 Rhett Dotson Back and forth. So you get first you get free paper access. You see who goes first. Oh, come on, let's go smoke. 00;17;27;14 - 00;17;29;17 Christopher De Leon You ready? Ready? One tampon. 00;17;30;03 - 00;17;43;17 Rhett Dotson Oh, I got dibs. All right. So my producer was angry that she didn't break out her cell phone quick enough to get that on the on the site. For those of you out there, I won. I threw down rock, Chris threw down scissors. So I go past top of. 00;17;43;17 - 00;17;44;11 Christopher De Leon So. All right. 00;17;44;23 - 00;18;07;20 Rhett Dotson So, Chris. Yeah, you get an inspection it comes back. You have a 120 long scene features. All right, so you have 120 long scene features. It's a smooth pipe that you're inspecting, so not necessarily unexpected. OK, you got ten Hillsman Smith. Got it. Ten pipe body features. 00;18;07;26 - 00;18;08;25 Christopher De Leon Ten pipe bomb. You got it. 00;18;09;04 - 00;18;17;24 Rhett Dotson All the long scene features you're you're using minimum I'm going to slush a sample on what are you using minimum minimum values from the updated gas rule. 00;18;18;04 - 00;18;19;07 Christopher De Leon Insert so you're not. 00;18;19;15 - 00;18;22;00 Rhett Dotson All of them are coming in service failure or not. 00;18;22;18 - 00;18;23;29 Christopher De Leon Does the line have yeah there's the one. 00;18;24;00 - 00;18;40;18 Rhett Dotson Finish yeah you're asking questions hold on I'm going to get through the scenario so we got a 120 long scene features ten pipe body features using minimum properties. Yeah. From the updated gas rule you're all coming back with rupture pressure ratios less than 1.1. Oh boy. What do you do? You know what is. 00;18;41;03 - 00;18;43;19 Christopher De Leon Yeah. So I would start now. 00;18;43;19 - 00;18;44;13 Rhett Dotson You know why I went first. 00;18;44;14 - 00;19;09;06 Christopher De Leon It's OK. I would start with some guidance from 1176 which basically says take a look at the the signal data in collaboration with your ELI a service provider and then start your data integration process. And obviously each pipeline and each operator will have different amounts of data that they can integrate. And I would start looking at things like what could be a cause for some of these long scene features to be artifacts. 00;19;09;06 - 00;19;30;12 Christopher De Leon Like we said, how much of this manufacturing pipe manufacturing related not that it's a manufacturing flaw, but rather the way that that pipe was made. So you said if w we talked about that a little bit earlier, so I would schedule a call with the analyst and I would ask them to take me through if they felt that there was a confidence in these features and to what level? 00;19;30;27 - 00;19;48;02 Christopher De Leon You know, I normally start with that type question. Why? Because then they will usually surface if there were speed excursion issues, sensor loss issues, a wall thickness issue, if they were able to fully saturate the pipe with the ultrasonic wave, that will surface a lot of things. So I'll start with, hey, analyst, you know, one, thanks for making time in two. 00;19;48;02 - 00;20;03;23 Christopher De Leon Let's go through some of this data. Let's look at the signal data and help me understand what confidence you have, assuming all of them have the same level of confidence. There's a lot of what ifs we could take there. Then I would I would look at length, I would look at a lot of these feature lengths to see what's driving that burst pressure to be so low. 00;20;04;00 - 00;20;23;29 Christopher De Leon I know you said we're using some default Sharpie values from the updated regs, but I definitely look at length if, if any of these get of any type of substantial link like anything greater than maybe six inches, I would probably put those in one bucket as likely or possible. Manufacturing related. So I called 1176. I encourage you to take a look at it. 00;20;24;09 - 00;20;38;06 Christopher De Leon It gives you an option to classify features as a likely crack, possible crack, unlikely crack. And each of those have a different response criteria. They do encourage the industry not to have the ELI vendor do that. The analysts do it specifically because they want it to be data integration process. 00;20;38;06 - 00;20;40;12 Rhett Dotson But good does a good monologue. So you want. 00;20;40;14 - 00;20;41;29 Christopher De Leon On there like what's a what if. 00;20;42;05 - 00;20;42;25 Rhett Dotson It was you. 00;20;42;25 - 00;20;55;09 Christopher De Leon Didn't so hopefully you know it since it's my what if what I'm going to say is it's out of the 120 there were probably only ten of them that were shorter than ten inches. And I'm going to go dig a subset of those in a subset of the ones that are longer than ten inches. 00;20;56;00 - 00;21;05;21 Rhett Dotson So I want I want to pick up a little bit on this. Yeah. Because I want to go and we have some more I'm going to give you your turn to what have me next. OK, before we do we're going to take a break and hear from one of our sponsors. So hang in there, guys. We'll be right back. 00;21;09;28 - 00;21;11;22 Hi, I'm Kara Turner. I am the. 00;21;11;22 - 00;21;31;16 Managing director and co-founder of ATV Marketing. We get the honor of working with Rhett and Christopher to produce this crazy podcast and also work with them on any other initiatives that they have when it comes to marketing and if you know them or listening to this podcast, you know that it gets pretty crazy around here. So we have a lot of fun with them. 00;21;32;04 - 00;21;50;03 ATV marketing is a full service business to business marketing agency. We specialize in service companies and technology companies. So if you are enjoying listening to this podcast and the fun that they're having, reach out to us and see how we can make your marketing fun. 00;21;55;02 - 00;22;00;06 Rhett Dotson All right. Welcome back. We are knee deep into our What If scenario that I threw at Chris. I've got one. 00;22;00;11 - 00;22;03;14 Christopher De Leon Good one for you. You're going to want to reshoot this episode. It's so hard. 00;22;03;23 - 00;22;29;19 Rhett Dotson I doubt that. But after anyway, I asked the first, what if? Namely, because I am a master of paper, scissors and destroyed Chris but also, please note if we'd done anything else, whether that was horseshoes or cornhole, there's any number of things. Swimming, running, no. Everything, apparently. Except for jumping out would have won. So, Chris, we opened up with what if you had 120 long scene features, all of them coming back with features less than 1.1. 00;22;29;19 - 00;22;49;07 Rhett Dotson Yup. And I asked what would you do? You went through a really good process of looking at the signal data, data integration and even maybe looking at the least of the features to help subdivide them. But I want to take a step back and then ask you to what objective what are you trying to achieve in doing all of. 00;22;49;07 - 00;23;07;14 Christopher De Leon That when you have that volume of data, you want to try to understand how well the data is identifying flaws or defects that matter and so basically what I tried to do with the whole length component is you got to create groupings so that you can tackle it. So you divide and conquer. 00;23;08;10 - 00;23;14;05 Rhett Dotson So when you say features that matter I like that term community is synonymous with integrity. Right? 00;23;14;06 - 00;23;14;20 Christopher De Leon Exactly. 00;23;14;27 - 00;23;17;24 Rhett Dotson Would that be synonymous? You know, so I think it's it's a threat. 00;23;17;24 - 00;23;19;04 Christopher De Leon To integrity, let's put it like that. 00;23;19;12 - 00;23;27;04 Rhett Dotson So it's 917, nine, 17 says the one so simple flaws that could be detrimental to the majority. 00;23;27;27 - 00;23;36;20 Christopher De Leon Yep. And so basically with the intent of it being if it's longer than say, I'm picking something ten inches, then I'm my hypothesis is that it's manufacturing related. Yeah. 00;23;37;00 - 00;23;46;03 Rhett Dotson And so now it's interesting you bring up manufacturing since we were talking primarily about the seam. So you got these hundred and 20, obviously I'm assuming out of the hundred 20 you're trying to avoid excavating all 100. 00;23;46;03 - 00;23;48;25 Christopher De Leon What's the thing I want to avoid? I want to properly allocate my resources. 00;23;48;25 - 00;23;51;08 Rhett Dotson Properly I like how you said that that's. 00;23;51;08 - 00;23;52;06 Christopher De Leon Really based on risk. 00;23;52;14 - 00;24;12;12 Rhett Dotson The I really like this. So now you're talking about prioritizing the features according to where you have the highest risk so that you get the most integrity bang for your buck, identifying features that potentially are a pipeline, a threat to the pipeline. Why and how are you? So I'm going to say dismissive of manufacturing features. 00;24;12;14 - 00;24;37;06 Christopher De Leon Well, specifically for this pipeline, one of the things I mentioned was data integration. So in this what if I'm saying that we have on record a subpart J 1.25 times MLP how test and it's we're dealing with manufacturing related flaws. I'm also in this one is saying that we can use a Keystone report and say we have low or almost negligible cyclic fatigue as a as a threat on this pipeline. 00;24;37;16 - 00;24;49;11 Christopher De Leon Then if I have a hydro test and I can with significant confidence say that features of certain length are manufacturing related, then I can say these are stable defects because there's not enough of a driving force to drive them to be in integrity. 00;24;49;11 - 00;24;53;26 Rhett Dotson And so I'm going to cheat here. Oh, boy, you're going to cheat. I'm going to cheat. I'm going to do a what if. 00;24;54;08 - 00;24;54;25 Christopher De Leon You're not a race. 00;24;55;07 - 00;24;56;05 Rhett Dotson To do. 00;24;56;05 - 00;24;56;26 Christopher De Leon That? You're in the race. 00;24;57;27 - 00;25;04;10 Rhett Dotson You know, if anything is worth winning, it's worth cheating for. So oh, my gosh. 00;25;04;14 - 00;25;05;27 Christopher De Leon Morgan doesn't watch this show. 00;25;06;26 - 00;25;27;11 Rhett Dotson You leave my wife's name out of your mouth on me, so. Yeah, I can't do it. I've knocked this lovely setup over. Well, what does your opinion of that change if you don't have a sub part J Hydro test? What? Let me ask you the question. What if you don't have a sub part hydro test? 00;25;27;11 - 00;25;30;14 Christopher De Leon There I don't think it changes significantly. 00;25;31;01 - 00;25;32;04 Rhett Dotson I don't. We don't have to go to all that. 00;25;32;04 - 00;25;55;17 Christopher De Leon I think I think in a what you would have to consider in more depth is the number of features that you would have to investigate through excavation to gain confidence that those truly are manufacturing related. It's that. So where do you draw that line in length and depth between one feature another to say we're classifying these as manufacturing related in these more environmentally assisted likely the type crack we're looking for. 00;25;55;17 - 00;25;56;06 Christopher De Leon Gotcha. All right. 00;25;56;23 - 00;26;00;09 Rhett Dotson My producer has he sufficiently answered the what if scenario we can move to the next one. 00;26;02;21 - 00;26;06;17 Christopher De Leon She's just yes. She's overwhelming confidence. Yes. Yes. 00;26;06;19 - 00;26;07;13 Rhett Dotson Really you saw. 00;26;07;13 - 00;26;08;11 Christopher De Leon Overwhelming you. 00;26;08;11 - 00;26;12;26 Rhett Dotson And I interpreted that result that was kind of like an indie dig in the ditch. You and I definitely saw that. Different. 00;26;13;01 - 00;26;15;14 Christopher De Leon Yeah, different takes, different measurement. 00;26;16;21 - 00;26;17;25 Rhett Dotson All right. Your turn, my friend. 00;26;17;25 - 00;26;49;15 Christopher De Leon OK, so you run an IMAT in a pipeline that is seamless work with cold tar coating. Oh, yeah. The threat is CC in the pipe body. And you get you get 100 calls in the portion of the pipe that is seamless. What do you do you can take some more time to think about it. 00;26;49;19 - 00;26;55;17 Rhett Dotson You, you get out of the industry and start excavation. 00;26;55;28 - 00;26;58;28 Christopher De Leon That is when you call a different consultant for help. 00;26;59;22 - 00;27;18;20 Rhett Dotson You call thing 20. What? No, that's a good question. Right. So Chris, I think what's, what's, what's really kind of cool about the what a scenario we're playing is the reason I asked you for the objective is the objective is still the same. Yep. You want to find the integrity threat that matters, right? Yeah. And I like how you did that. 00;27;18;20 - 00;27;28;27 Rhett Dotson You played off of Seamless and you played off of the. So I'm going to take a little bit of a different step. OK, with you I don't think my my thing doesn't change the the answer. 00;27;28;27 - 00;27;31;11 Christopher De Leon You still think toe no matter what, your thing doesn't change. 00;27;31;12 - 00;27;51;17 Rhett Dotson So I'll just say the process we outlined doesn't change. We're going to go back to looking at the signal data with the analysts and understanding their confidence. Yep. But I think understanding what might be fooling them is a little different now. OK, right. So I don't want to start there. I have to realize that in seamless pipe, that stuff is full of garbage that can actually produce signal. 00;27;51;17 - 00;27;57;08 Christopher De Leon So bad construction company, they left a lot of stuff in the pipe. It's just that that impeded the sensors is what you're saying. But the. 00;27;57;08 - 00;28;02;09 Rhett Dotson Seamless process naturally introduces a lot of a lot of garbage into so. 00;28;02;09 - 00;28;06;14 Christopher De Leon Noise because of the way it's constructed so variations in wall thickness. 00;28;06;20 - 00;28;21;17 Rhett Dotson Well, you can get dirty steel. And then also just from the way that the, the, the, the inside is bought out and I use that word, it's not the right term. Yeah. What produce signal artifacts in the data. Yeah. That are in the pipe body that we actually didn't talk about in the beginning. So you got to recognize you're going to have that problem. 00;28;21;19 - 00;28;42;12 Rhett Dotson Yeah. The second potential is while coal tar enamel is a huge, a huge contributor to SCC. Yep. We also recognize that coal tar enamel can cause coating reflection issues sometimes as well. Yeah. Now the operators, I will say the vendors have gotten much better at being able to discriminate those, but they are still some pretty nasty situations that can exist. 00;28;42;25 - 00;28;46;27 Rhett Dotson So immediately I'm put on guard with you call. You gave me a how many features does 100. 00;28;47;05 - 00;28;47;14 Christopher De Leon Same thing. 00;28;47;14 - 00;28;48;18 Rhett Dotson You gave me 100 features. 00;28;48;18 - 00;28;51;13 Christopher De Leon To me. Need to dig all of them not low enough to you can dig all. 00;28;51;19 - 00;29;12;15 Rhett Dotson Highly down all 100 of these are probably real integrity threats. Yeah I need to immediately sort out which one of these are related to manufacturing because I've got a process that's not good and I potentially got a steal that's not good right? Then I'm going to use the data integration a little bit differently. So if I'm depending on if my threat that I was going for was SCC. 00;29;12;15 - 00;29;36;21 Rhett Dotson Yep. Right. I'm going to start prioritizing things closer to the compressor station downstream. OK, likely where it was warmer. Yeah. I'm going to be looking at whether or not there's any variations in coding at all. Yeah. And then I would also potentially look at groupings of signals, right? So if I have signals that are grouped together in close proximity to each other, a third thing I would do again is I would be talking to the analyst. 00;29;36;21 - 00;29;55;12 Rhett Dotson Hopefully, hopefully I ordered a coding assessment and maybe I can begin to look at areas where the coding looks poor as well. Somebody do the same, not altogether different process. And you. Yeah, I'm going to go talk to the analyst. I want to get their confidence in the signal data. Yep. I want to integrate the other data. I have and then I'm absolutely going to go and start verifying. 00;29;55;20 - 00;29;59;23 Rhett Dotson But when I go to verify, I'm going to be honest. I'm, I'm going to anticipate. 00;29;59;26 - 00;30;00;10 Christopher De Leon You know, I'm. 00;30;00;10 - 00;30;09;11 Rhett Dotson Going to be finding things that are not my quote unquote immediate or what did you say? The word you used was features that matter. I'm going to be finding features that don't matter. 00;30;09;18 - 00;30;36;05 Christopher De Leon So I want to ask you one question, and we're going to go a little bit deeper here. So we've identified these features. But you started my What If with if you had a burst pressure calculation that gave you a rupture pressure ratio less than one in in your circumstance, a pipe body seamless with coding. In our previous episode, you said there's there's more than four, but there's four main fracture mechanics models that we hear to calculate. 00;30;37;00 - 00;30;40;21 Christopher De Leon Would you prefer one of those are the other or or does that approach matter at this point? 00;30;41;04 - 00;31;10;02 Rhett Dotson I would say depends on the quality of the data. Right. So if I have no material properties, you're going to be looking at using defaults that are going to probably push you away from a log seeker model if I'm looking to prioritize them, not necessarily to justify fitness for service. Yeah, I kind of like the log secant model in that case because I'll be honest with you now, all things being equal, the prioritization between different models a lot of times won't necessarily change if you just rank them by pressure right? 00;31;10;14 - 00;31;28;23 Rhett Dotson So they all do a decent job in terms of producing the same ranking. But when we talk about fitness for service, that's different. So again, at this point, you and I just talk about where to go out in the field. I'm fine throwing something that's robust, like log seek and add it. Yeah, if I have the properties to support it and if I'm hunting SCC, that's usually a ductile failure mode. 00;31;28;23 - 00;31;34;25 Rhett Dotson So and again, you gave me seamless pipe. I'm actually probably OK that I'm going to be looking at more ductile failures there. 00;31;35;03 - 00;31;35;22 Christopher De Leon Yeah, so. 00;31;35;27 - 00;31;36;20 Rhett Dotson I'm OK with that. 00;31;36;27 - 00;32;00;22 Christopher De Leon I like, you know, what we try to do there for the audience is both of our responses are very much geared in step one of having all these features of understanding the data. Right? What is the delay tool telling us? And frankly, I believe that there is a component of discovery there, right on the gas side. You know, typically there's a big talk about discovery on the liquid side as well around you know, you have 180 days from your inspection time to discover. 00;32;00;22 - 00;32;11;07 Christopher De Leon And I feel like our both of our response was organic around. And I think that's telling is it's all of these are not integrity threats we need to understand what delay tool is telling us. Yep. Right. And I think that's pretty neat. 00;32;11;08 - 00;32;26;12 Rhett Dotson And that involves going out there. Right. And so I think that is one of things you have to gather data. Right? But what I like is that again, you have to understand, I think when every report, when you get it, you need to understand what your objective is. Yeah. Right. You've stated the objectives. Find the features that matter. 00;32;26;12 - 00;32;44;01 Rhett Dotson Yeah, right. I stated it when you asked me materials. Well, what model I use depends on my objective. Am I just trying to prioritize features to determine which one might be worse than other in a relative sense? Or am I trying to tell somebody? I think my burst pressure is 1.39 times my ammo, which is completely different. Right? 00;32;44;07 - 00;32;55;09 Rhett Dotson Those two things necessitate a different level of of accuracy and how we do them. OK, so let's keep this sort of scenario going. This was good, right? Let's get into it. So in your scenario that I. 00;32;55;09 - 00;32;55;29 Christopher De Leon Gave you, now. 00;32;56;06 - 00;33;02;21 Rhett Dotson You were trying to specifically avoid finding manufacturing falls on the long audience track. Back with me. We're back and quickly separating. 00;33;02;24 - 00;33;03;19 Christopher De Leon Yep. Separate them. 00;33;03;26 - 00;33;29;03 Rhett Dotson You met with the analyst, you identified you identified ten features. Let's make it easy you wanted to go after, OK, those are the ones that you thought had the highest confidence of of being something that mattered. You went out there out of those ten, you found eight instances of lack of fusion and two instances of hook cracks are undetermined. 00;33;30;11 - 00;33;38;00 Rhett Dotson What does it mean for you? Yeah, ten instances of manufacturing related features, zero hits on SCC. 00;33;38;13 - 00;33;41;17 Christopher De Leon Yeah, I would say that's really good. I'm happy. 00;33;41;17 - 00;33;43;02 Rhett Dotson What do you do with the remaining. 00;33;43;02 - 00;34;06;10 Christopher De Leon 110 I mentioned earlier that, you know, the idea there was to do a subset of those that were shorter than ten inches and that was this was just this one. Yeah. And a subset of them that were larger than ten inch. And if in any of those circumstances I did not find SCC, then I would feel very confident depending on what member tool properties were again because that. 00;34;06;11 - 00;34;09;03 Rhett Dotson Did you gather material properties when you were doing these excavations? 00;34;09;03 - 00;34;16;01 Christopher De Leon In this case? We didn't, I did, I did try to hot tap and get a coupon out to do some testing but that wasn't an option. 00;34;16;01 - 00;34;23;04 Rhett Dotson It's interesting you took that approach. Let me let me I want to go here a little bit. Yeah. What are you going to do with the remaining of the features that are still have a one. 00;34;23;08 - 00;34;23;15 Christopher De Leon I'm. 00;34;24;05 - 00;34;24;10 Rhett Dotson Sure. 00;34;24;23 - 00;34;47;25 Christopher De Leon I'm classifying those as monitored by classifying them as unlikely cracks back to a r.p 1176. I would classify them as unlikely cracks because they are cracked like in nature because they're manufacturing related. However, we do not have the driving force that's needed to drive them to failure before my next integrity assessment because they're monitored, not forgotten. And I think those are different. 00;34;48;03 - 00;34;51;25 Rhett Dotson I like where you went there. I think you and I might disagree on this. OK, I'm curious. 00;34;51;26 - 00;34;52;04 Christopher De Leon All right. 00;34;52;17 - 00;35;01;25 Rhett Dotson But I think you can really only do that because you had that subpart J Hydro test. You didn't have that support to hide your test. I think it becomes very difficult to to to to document. 00;35;01;25 - 00;35;05;08 Christopher De Leon That wasn't much you didn't find that I defined that. So that was part of my what is. 00;35;05;29 - 00;35;11;15 Rhett Dotson Good, that I like it. But that scenario is, will you and I have played that out with operators many times before. 00;35;11;20 - 00;35;37;12 Christopher De Leon And what I highlight here, the takeaway is it's it's very difficult to have a right answer. You know, a lot of times what I like to tell our customers is it's number one, whichever consultant you work with to have a different approach so it's very easy to get consultants to debate as to which approach is best. So number one, it's really important to just understand what your consultants are recommending and to it's really important for the operator to have a clear understanding of what their risk tolerance is, right? 00;35;37;12 - 00;35;47;14 Christopher De Leon Because not every operator will make they have the same decision making process for what they're willing to dig or what is enough excavation so that they can feel confident in whether they made the right decisions or not. 00;35;47;14 - 00;35;49;29 Rhett Dotson So those backing you, do you want to tell us what if I will? 00;35;50;13 - 00;35;52;03 Christopher De Leon Let me think of a good one. Give me a minute. 00;35;52;22 - 00;35;53;18 Rhett Dotson Do we need to start the. 00;35;53;18 - 00;35;56;23 Christopher De Leon No, no, no, no, no, no. Give me a six. 00;35;56;23 - 00;36;07;27 Rhett Dotson Smoke you're all right. Oh, this wheels are turning. This producer, they're turning so hard. Smoking gears are burning up. 00;36;08;13 - 00;36;08;29 Christopher De Leon It's because we're. 00;36;08;29 - 00;36;10;04 Rhett Dotson In. She thinks. 00;36;10;19 - 00;36;12;27 Christopher De Leon You know, she enjoys it. 00;36;12;27 - 00;36;13;29 Rhett Dotson We can't be late next time. 00;36;13;29 - 00;36;49;08 Christopher De Leon Yeah, we enjoy this. OK, what if. What if you ran an import tool in a pipeline and and. Oh, I got one. Boom. Oh, I got a good one. What if you were going to hide or test the pipeline and that hydro test is going to start with a spike test to at least 100% mice? So it's a spike test, but while you're filling the line with water you're using that to push an image through the line. 00;36;50;25 - 00;37;16;07 Christopher De Leon So you've now deployed an IMAT and an LC or spiral, whatever you need to complement the Emat and you've trapped it. Once you've trapped the tool, the tool is taken out of the receiver. You download the data and as the next activity you now press up the line, you spike test the tool, data goes off to wherever it needs to go to get analyze, you spike test no failures, you strength test 1.25 times MVP, no failures. 00;37;16;18 - 00;37;17;04 Rhett Dotson That was. 00;37;17;09 - 00;37;18;09 Christopher De Leon Ready. Here we go. 00;37;18;12 - 00;37;19;26 Rhett Dotson Long what ifs. There we. 00;37;19;26 - 00;37;42;28 Christopher De Leon Go. You ready? You ready? And now you get a report back with 2320 features in the body and five features in the long scene. Yeah, all with ruptured pressure ratios under one because mature property is being defaulted and you have not had an in-service failure. Do you respond? Do you go and excavate. 00;37;43;06 - 00;37;44;10 Rhett Dotson Those or test is wrong? 00;37;44;18 - 00;37;54;02 Christopher De Leon Do you do you dig? What do you do with those 25 calls? They all have very special ratios under 1.1. But I just passed the spike test in a string. Oh, you're going to be honest. 00;37;54;02 - 00;37;57;15 Rhett Dotson I was really wondering where you were going with that. With that, do you dig on it? 00;37;58;04 - 00;37;59;02 Christopher De Leon Do you dig them now? 00;37;59;02 - 00;37;59;23 Rhett Dotson You don't dig. 00;37;59;23 - 00;38;00;26 Christopher De Leon Them. Why not? 00;38;01;00 - 00;38;03;05 Rhett Dotson Because, look, this is where you use. 00;38;03;05 - 00;38;07;00 Christopher De Leon That an all I report that tells you you have critical features in the pipe. 00;38;07;00 - 00;38;25;23 Rhett Dotson Shut your mouth. The reality is, you know as well as I do in the audience out there, this is where you absolutely have got to separate your integrity assessment from understanding what's in the pipeline. This goes back to objective. Maybe we should rename the episode, not what else but objective, objective, objective like location, location, location and. 00;38;25;23 - 00;38;26;07 Christopher De Leon Objective. 00;38;26;07 - 00;38;34;20 Rhett Dotson Analysis. State objective matters. When you in that scenario, you describe the hydro test is your integrity assessment to justify the strength of the line? 00;38;34;27 - 00;38;36;05 Christopher De Leon Yeah, the integrity of the line. 00;38;36;15 - 00;38;38;11 Rhett Dotson The integrity of the line. Yes. You're going to. 00;38;38;18 - 00;38;41;15 Christopher De Leon So no walk is just so what do you do with the data that you have now? 00;38;41;16 - 00;38;53;00 Rhett Dotson What you do with the IMET data that you have is you use it to know what else is in your line. You may go look at some of those locations, but if you do so, you're doing it to understand the threat that you have in the line and what remained after. So it's. 00;38;53;00 - 00;38;55;27 Christopher De Leon Like a data it's like a data gathering data integration. 00;38;55;29 - 00;39;15;29 Rhett Dotson Process to understand whether you want to use EMA as a tool to justify the subsequent reinspection interval. Right. Rather than using a hydro test. So it's great data. I think the problem is, is if you do what you described and you say, hey, you must go dig those other 20 features, the logical output because we're human as well, I'm never going to do that again because the impact collect the data. 00;39;15;29 - 00;39;21;08 Rhett Dotson That's not helpful for me. Yep. And as an industry, that's backwards thinking rather than forward thinking. 00;39;21;08 - 00;39;34;08 Christopher De Leon So backwards thinking, what if the order of that was flipped? What if you had just pigged it with IMET a week before in-service and then you hide your test? Can you still not respond to the IMET data or would you change your approach? 00;39;34;08 - 00;39;48;13 Rhett Dotson Don't you know, I'm going to say, to be honest, the only thing that you're looking for there is, is pressure reversals and I don't want to get into that in that episode. My opinion on that does not change. Your integrity assessment is based off of the hydro test. Now, could you have had some growth from the hydro test? 00;39;48;13 - 00;39;55;02 Rhett Dotson Yeah, but that needs to be answered separately and typically will not be large enough to change the conclusions that you reached from the hydro costs. 00;39;55;08 - 00;39;57;08 Christopher De Leon Yeah, that was a fun way. Do you look I. 00;39;57;11 - 00;40;15;17 Rhett Dotson Mean, you did really well all right. On that note, hey, look, we are going to wrap up that episode thing. 20, 21. Having so much fun you today, remember? You know, the one thing that stuck out with me on this episode is you talk about getting your email results back is what is your objective? Yeah. Always be thinking about that as you call to get help. 00;40;15;25 - 00;40;31;15 Rhett Dotson Think about that. It relates to your what to what your risk profile is and the information that you have available to you. Key point is you don't need to dig every feature and you should not be digging every feature. And definitely you have a hydro task on the back of it. You shouldn't be either. But anyway, this episode was fun. 00;40;31;28 - 00;40;43;03 Rhett Dotson Thank you for joining us. We're going to be back next week bringing the fudge factor or another guest is going to be coming back with us. So be on the lookout. And thank you very much. I'm your host, Big 20 and my co-host thinks we won till next time. 00;40;54;07 - 00;41;03;00 Christopher De Leon Box jump. That's what they're called. I can just tell them. Oh, well, I bet you I can jump this huge one. 00;41;03;00 - 00;41;05;04 And fun. Yeah. 00;41;05;19 - 00;41;11;07 Christopher De Leon Very funny. Oh, that's fun. Let's go. 00;41;14;19 - 00;41;16;02 Rhett Dotson Boy, you ready? I was shooting. 00;41;16;09 - 00;41;19;28 Christopher De Leon Yeah, I think so. Sorry. We're not going to read about. We don't want to be mad.

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